What is it$%: Where does it come from$%: Well I will tell you --- it is that realization in that spot of your head that lights up like a banner - that calm all knowing feeling - that voice inside all of us.
Hello and welcome to my space and passion of psychic power. Have you ever watched Deal or No Deal, where there a 26 boxes and the contestant chooses one. Then as the show progresses the contestant picks a box with the idea of not knocking out the big money. As the show gets going how many times have YOU actually picked the dollar amount in the box before it was opened$%: Does not work every time but I bet a lot of you say they have actually made the right guess.
GUESS or maybe it was psychic power working. When the telephone rings do you say to yourself I bet that is... so and so and low and behold it is THAT person.Yes we all have psychic power but do not know how to use it. What is it$%: Where does it come from$%: Well I will tell you - it is that realization in that spot of your head that lights up like a banner - that calm all knowing feeling - that voice inside all of us. My wife has friends who are a solid based family. The Father was recently diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. The doctors had to operate.
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The Father came around to my house with his wife on the Sunday before he went to Hospital. He was convinced that he would not be coming home. The Father was upset, his wife was upset and my wife was upset. What about me though, I could not care less and I felt no pain or sadness. Am I a selfish cold hearted shallow person that would not care to think of another's pain$%: No I am not like that because I felt this calm all knowing thought that everything was going to be all right. I knew the Father was going to be fine and in fact I said, "Don-t worry, we will see you again and all will be well". The Father went to hospital for surgery and subsequent treatment. Did not look to well when he came back and I did not see him for two months. Sitting on the couch the other day something happened that proved I have to say something.
My wife said he was cleared by the doctors, they got all the cancer and he is fine. How did I know that$%: I am never right but this time I was! THIS is psychic power and we all have it inside but do not listen to it nor do we recognize it. To develop our psychic abilities we need to look inside and listen to what we are being told. Thanks for reading this. I had to say something and now I have done it. I am sure there are many experiences like mine.
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